Kentmere 400 in 35mm @ 800 … the whole roll …

I have been shooting ilford Kentmere film stock quite a bit recently and it has really impressed me with how it performs especially as it is a very affordable film in this day and age.

I wanted to see how it looked when pushed compared to HP5 which I really love when pushed one or 2 stops.

I loaded my Minolta XG9 and set the camera to 800 and went for a little walk, it was really overcast so 800 was ideal.

I developed it in ilford DD-X and scanned using my Epson v600.

The images were great, no problem with the exposure and even though the grain was pretty noticeable it didn’t spoil the look and was on a par with my usual HP5.

This has to be the best value, quality B&W film stock on the market as it is less than £5 per roll here in the UK and is so versatile.

Here is the whole roll, nothing special but it gives an idea how this film looks …

All images on my blog are available as prints just drop me an email

I also have a film only blog over at if you want a peek

Also still have a handful of zines over on my etsy store as well as some hand made film canister keychains …

Snow day ….. Fuji GW690iii with ilford Delta 400 …

A week or two back we had heavy downpour of snow here in the valleys and I had a snow day from work.

I wasn’t a particularly nice day, really grey with poor visibility but later in the afternoon before we lost the light I popped up to my favourite tree and shot a roll of Delta 400 in my 6×9.

I hand held the camera so I was hoping that I got a couple that didn’t suffer from camera shake as I was shooting at 1/60th.

I developed the roll in DD/X 1+9 dilution for 10 minutes.

I was pretty happy with the results and managed to get 5 frames out of 8 that worked for me.

I don’t shoot Delta very often but the amount of detail the GW690 gives you shows even more when using it over my fav HP5.

Here they are ….

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Comments most welcome …

All images on my blog are available as prints just drop me an email

I also have a film only blog over at if you want a peek

Also still have a handful of zines over on my etsy store …

Last blog of 2022 … Lomo Berlin 400 .. the whole roll

This year has not been the best if I am honest and my photography has suffered as my desire to shoot all but deserted me.

I have only shot 25 rolls of film this year which is a fraction of what I normally shoot and even though I have developed and scanned them all, many of the rolls have just sat in my lightroom catalog un-edited.

As the weather this week has been horrendous ( I did get out and shoot one roll last weekend) I have been going through the images in the catalog and started to edit as I have had a week off work.

Here is the first roll shot on my Minolta 600si and developed using ilfotec DD-X.

I shot this back in April. I have tried Berlin before and new the images would be pretty contrasty.

I think the subject matter here was not the best for this film as the excessive contrast in busy images tends to muddle the scene unless viewing large.

Nevertheless I was pretty pleased with the results.

Anyway here is the whole roll, comments most welcome.

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All images on my blog are available as prints just drop me an email

I also have a film only blog over at if you want a peek

1st roll of 2022 .. ilford Delta 400

This year I really want to push myself and get back to shooting more so even though the weather was pretty poor I forced myself to go out and get the first roll in the bag.

I have not shot any ilford Delta for ages and as luck would have it my @emulsivesanta gifted me a roll of Delta 400 which I loaded into my Yashicamat 124g and went out.

I debated whether to push it to 800 but decided against as I wanted to see just how sharp Delta 400 was when shot at less than f8 .. nearly all the frames were either f3.5 or f4 .. I did manage f5.6 on the Graffiti container image.

To be honest my walk only took about 45 minutes and luckily the rain held off.

I developed the roll in ilford DD-x 1+4 dilution for 8 minutes and scanned with my Epson v600.

I was very happy with just how sharp the images were and that I managed to pretty much nail the focus on the wide open frames, Delta 400 is very sharp and with very little grain compared to my beloved HP5 ( I do like grain mind ).

Maybe it’s the way I like to scan ( I scan pretty flat and boost contrast in Lightroom ) but the images seemed less contrasty than HP5 even with my usual boost but it didn’t matter as the look suited the compositions.

Overall I would say that Delta 400 is a great film I should really get some more especially in 120 format as it costs only 50 pence more per roll compared to HP5 in Analogue Wonderland’s store.

I bet if I shot this at f8+ on a bright day in my Fuji GW690iii the scans would be scarily sharp.

So here is the whole roll .. nothing really exciting (I did like the sheep shot thought)

Comments most welcome .. click image to view larger

All images on my blog are available as prints just drop me an email

I have a film only blog over at if you want a peek

Zorki 4k & Ilford HP5+……..

Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img010A week or two ago my wife got me a Zorki 4k for christmas so before she wrapped it up I insisted on putting a roll of film through it just to make sure all was well.

We bought the camera from West Yorkshire Cameras who specialise in affordable film cameras, I must say that they are great lads and highly recommend that if you are interested in film photography to pay them a visit.

I have bought numerous things from them and their service is excellent.

I used some Ilford HP5+ and processed it in ilfotec DDX.

The viewfinder was reasonable bright considering its age and even though the weather was poor focussing was not really a problem but I did find that composing in the portrait format was hit and miss as I am used to an SLR.

Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img007I just took a load of random shots using the light-meter app on my iPhone to set the exposure and was pretty pleased with what came out.

Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img008The 50mm f2.0 Jupiter lens was pretty sharp when stopped down a little but still looked nice at f2.8 as you can see with the first shot of the barbed wire fence.

Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img013I am pleased that after shooting the first roll all seems well with the camera and I am looking forward to trying a bit of street photography with it.

Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img012 Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img019 Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img016 Zorki 4k- HP5 - ilfotec DDX img006Thanks for looking

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First attempt at pushing Film ……

img001-EditAfter reading some stuff on the internet and viewing some samples I decided to give B&W push processing a go.

Most of the articles I read used Kodak Tri-x so that is what I used to.

Using the Massive Dev chart app on my iphone I determined that I needed to develop for 10 minutes in ilfotec ddx 1+4 if I pushed the film from 400 to 800 which I thought was a good starting point just incase pushing it any faster may result in a ruined negative.

The weather today here in the South Wales valleys was pretty poor, dark and wet so it needed at least 800 iso.

img011I shot most of the roll outside with pretty random subjects, just looking for something with detail and contrast and finished the roll indoors using just lamplight.

img009The results were great, the grain was almost identical to Tri-x shot at its native speed. To be honest if you didn’t know that I pushed the film I could have told people they were at 400iso.

I really like the results I am getting using ilfotec ddx it seems to give a really good balance between sharpness/contrast and minimal grain.

img007Just for the record all these shots were taken using my Nikon F90x and nikkor 50mm f1.8.

I will try pushing it to 1600 or 3200 next time as I like grain in my images and 800 is definitely not a problem for the film/dev combination.

img026-EditThanks for looking

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Trying out Ilford HP5+ in some new developer……….

I few weeks ago I bought some new developer and last week I shot a roll of 120 Ilford Delta 400 and a roll of 35mm Ilford HP5+ with the intentions of seeing what the resulting negatives where like.

I posted the 120 Delta images last week and was extremely pleased with the results so this week I am posting some of the 35mm HP5 shots which I am also very pleased with.The Grain that I love with HP5 is still there in the negatives albeit a little more smooth to my eyes but the detail and sharpness is far more evident.

I diluted the developer 1+9 and processed it for 16 minutes as per the Massive Dev chart app and can definitely will be using this combination as my standard routine from now on.

Also as the developer is in liquid form I only have to mix what I need when I need it rather than mixing up a batch and storing.

I even took a shot of my wife’s hand while cooking @f1.8 which I rarely shoot at such a wide aperture on film but even then the detail was great.I would therefore thoroughly recommend this developer to anyone, I will shoot a roll of Tri-X and some T-Max next just to see how they fair.

  Thanks for looking…..  comments always welcomed  🙂

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Mamiya 645 as my new walk about camera……….?

Loaded up the Mamiya 645 with some Ilford Delta 400 yesterday and decided to do a spot of Landscape photography with the intention of some nice shallow DOF shots as well as the traditional views.

After the first mile and a half I began to realise that the Mamiya is not a walk around camera its built like a tank and weighs like one too.

Nevertheless I was determined to get some shots and to try out the new B&W developer I recently bought …. Ilfotec DD-X.

The results from the camera and film/dev combination were lovely, I shot  most of the closeup detail at f2.8 – f4 and stopped down to f11 for the views.

The detail captured was great all these shots had minor touchup in Photoshop mainly dust and a few hairs and a little curves adjustments.

I so love this camera, I bought it with the sole intention of portrait work but the stunning negatives I am getting from it means I am going to try to use it as an allround camera……

I think I may try a bit of street photography next ….  🙂

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