New/Old Camera … Zeiss Ikon Nettar & HP5 ….

I was watching a youtube video a few weeks back … it was “Shoot film like a boss” which is a great channel for anyone interested in film photography and darkroom stuff … Where an old Zeiss Ikon Netter was featured and I was impressed with the results it produced considering its age and especially as it can be picked up pretty cheaply for a medium format camera these days.

There are quite a few different models of this camera, the one I bought was the 517/16 with the 75mm f4.5 lens.

Once the camera arrived I couldn’t wait to try it just to see if there were any problems with it as it looked in excellent condition but looks can be deceiving.

I loaded it with some expired ilford HP5 that I use when testing cameras and went for a quick local walk.

I set the lens to the marked red dots so I didn’t have to mess about as this isn’t a rangefinder and I am useless at guessing distances.

I processed the roll in ilfotecHC 1+31 dilution for 6.30 and scanned with my Epson V600.

The results were great, very sharp and contrasty and also in focus ha ha!

I would highly recommend anyone interested in getting into medium format film photography to consider getting one of these especially as if you set the aperture/focus like this you more or less have a point & shoot.

Here is the whole roll …

All images on my blog are available as prints just drop me an email

I also have a film only blog over at if you want a peek

Also still have a handful of zines over on my etsy store as well as some hand made film canister keychains …