Rollei Retro 80S … It’s Sharp

I have shot quite a bit of Rollei film and have not been disappointed with any of the results.

My main goto is RPX 400 or Retro 400 due to their versatility so as it was a pretty bright day I loaded up some Retro 80S in my old Nikon EM for a change and went out for a little walk in my usual locations.

Even though it was pretty bright I only managed to get up to f8 a few times with most of the images shot at f2.8 to f5.6 which goes to show how sharp this film stock is.

The contrast is really nice and the film grain is very smooth.

I developed it in ilford DD-X which suited the film.

This is the whole roll including a 8 frame panorama stitched together in Lightroom.

Overall if you have either plenty of light or a tripod this film stock is excellent and I will be shooting it a lot more when situations are right.

So here are the images … click to view larger

All images on my blog are available as prints just drop me an email

I also have a film only blog over at if you want a peek

Also still have a handful of zines over on my etsy store as well as some hand made film canister keychains …