Shooting long expired Original Agfa Scala 200 slide film ….

I have been trying to sort out my negative filing today and came across a roll of Agfa Scala 200 that I shot last year and had it processed by Silverpan film lab.

The film was given to me and was long expired obviously and I didn’t have a clue how it had been stored so I was not confident on how it would come out or even if it would work at all.

I decided to shoot it using my Leica M2 and exposed it at 100 iso which in hindsight was not even close, I should have gone for 50 iso or even lower.

Anyway when the positives came back it was still a thrill to see B&W slides for the first time even if they were very underexposed and some of the frames were totally unusable.

Thanks to Epson scan and Lightroom I managed to salvage quite a few frames and was very pleased with what I got so much so I have bought a few rolls of the Adox Scala film to try.

So here are the frames that I ended up with …

Click on an image to view larger … comments most welcomed

All images on my blog are available as prints just drop me an email

I also have a film only blog over at if you want a peek 🙂