First time shooting Kosmo Foto Mono in the Mamiya 645 …

I have a few rolls of Kosmo film in my fridge and until recently I have not got around to trying it out for one reason or another.

So a few weeks back I was going through my film stash looking for something to try and get my shooting mojo back and came across a roll of Kosmo Foto Mono in 120 and as it was a pretty bright day I thought it was about time that I tried it out.

I loaded my Mamiya 645 for a change as it gives me 15 frames to play with and popped out for a nice walk.

When I goto back I looked up a few different developing options and went for Rodinal 1+25 dilution for 3 and a half minutes.

Once developed and even before the film was dry I could see that the negatives looked crisp and sharp and with good contrast.

When I scanned the first frame I was very pleased with how it looked, the tones and contrast were really nice and the sharpness was excellent.

Even though I used Rodinal the grain was very subtle and didn’t stand out unlike most of the time I use it.

Overall I really like how this film stock looks especially in medium format, I have a couple of rolls in 35mm to try next and will use the same development just to see how it compares.

So here is the whole roll warts and all …

Comments most welcomed, click on an image to view larger

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I also have a film only blog over at if you want a peek

Also still have a handful of zines over on my etsy store as well as some hand made film canister keychains …

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